Winter 2023
Hidden Fuckings
What did Joseph and I talk about?
Boring things.
Just silly little stuff
that no one would care about.
No need to be jealous of some
Innocent little convo.
When you're cheating on someone,
you don't need to talk about it.
We talk about other things
And then fuck secretly.
Why do you ask?
A review of watching The Prestige on my fourth day with covid
David Bowie was a surprise.
I really thought the twist would be that they were working together the whole time.
Why are so many of our movies so combative?
Can't two sexy magicians just have a good time together?
That's it, I guess.
Brain fog.
One thumb up.
Film Noir
"Hey buster," she purred, blowing a long
Line of cigarette smoke. "What’s a guy like you
Doing in a place like this with all that pudding?
"It's a living!"
Fade to black.
Title card rises:
“Pudding Time!”
Terrence ran out of his morning
Meeting. He couldn't handle it,
Couldn't spend another second
Living his miserable life like this.
If he didn't take action and soon
He was gonna piss like a fucking bucket
explosion. A piss bucket explosion.
Life is Always Like a Movie Somehow
Unexpected side effects just might include:
Falling in love!
Just kidding
Your eyes run away
And you'll never
Never ever
Find them again
They are like, witness protection level gone
Film Noir 2
A sexy little pudding
walks into a detective's office.
"Listen Butterscotch," he snapped,
"I told you, I'm not taking the case."
The pudding laughs. "I know, silly.
I'm here because I want you to take me!"
Making his way across the small office,
The detective puts on a glow in the dark condom
And then fucks the butterscotch pudding.
Fade to black.
Title card rises:
“2 Pudding 2 Time!”
A lost classic
What did Joseph and I talk about?
Boring things.
Just silly little stuff
that no one would care about.
No need to be jealous of some
Innocent little convo.
When you're cheating on someone,
you don't need to talk about it.
We talk about other things
And then fuck secretly.
Why do you ask?
A review of watching The Prestige on my fourth day with covid
David Bowie was a surprise.
I really thought the twist would be that they were working together the whole time.
Why are so many of our movies so combative?
Can't two sexy magicians just have a good time together?
That's it, I guess.
Brain fog.
One thumb up.
Film Noir
"Hey buster," she purred, blowing a long
Line of cigarette smoke. "What’s a guy like you
Doing in a place like this with all that pudding?
"It's a living!"
Fade to black.
Title card rises:
“Pudding Time!”
Terrence ran out of his morning
Meeting. He couldn't handle it,
Couldn't spend another second
Living his miserable life like this.
If he didn't take action and soon
He was gonna piss like a fucking bucket
explosion. A piss bucket explosion.
Life is Always Like a Movie Somehow
Unexpected side effects just might include:
Falling in love!
Just kidding
Your eyes run away
And you'll never
Never ever
Find them again
They are like, witness protection level gone
Film Noir 2
A sexy little pudding
walks into a detective's office.
"Listen Butterscotch," he snapped,
"I told you, I'm not taking the case."
The pudding laughs. "I know, silly.
I'm here because I want you to take me!"
Making his way across the small office,
The detective puts on a glow in the dark condom
And then fucks the butterscotch pudding.
Fade to black.
Title card rises:
“2 Pudding 2 Time!”
A lost classic
Copyright © 2015