This Shouldn't
Have Happened
Whitney woke up in her bed to the sound of her phone ringing. It was the police letting her know that her car had been found totalled. Whitney could not process the bad news. She was too confused.
Here she was, safe, well rested, and healthy. But how did she get home last night? Was she home?
She told the story a handful of times to her close friends and therapist, but always with the context that she knew this sounded crazy. They’d listen politely and say things like, “Wow, that sounds like a pretty wild experience to go through” or “How strange, I wonder what really happened.”
But you know what happened! The warlock used magic to send her home. They’re very powerful, you know!
Why oh why are we so blind to the magic we see happen in front of our very eyes?
Is that a dumb thing to say?
The End
Here she was, safe, well rested, and healthy. But how did she get home last night? Was she home?
She told the story a handful of times to her close friends and therapist, but always with the context that she knew this sounded crazy. They’d listen politely and say things like, “Wow, that sounds like a pretty wild experience to go through” or “How strange, I wonder what really happened.”
But you know what happened! The warlock used magic to send her home. They’re very powerful, you know!
Why oh why are we so blind to the magic we see happen in front of our very eyes?
Is that a dumb thing to say?
The End
Copyright © 2015